
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finally dome with this.

Well here we are all done with this media and I am so happy for that. Just wanted to say instead of feeling accomplished I am feeling tired.
Yesterday I had to refine my anatomy final project and send it. After that I had to do some review and take the exam for unit 9 so by the time I was done with that I was ready for some fun. What a trip this semester is. Just one more thing to finish and that is the final exam for anatomy.
Throughout the entire semester I have had a weekly ritual process that I do of making index cards into flash cards. I have both 4 X 6 and 5 X 8 ruled index cards putting the chapter outline and the chapter tests and quizzes onto index cards to later be used for review and self examination. Then I write my words in a notebook and read the chapter onto cassette tapes for use later. I go to the workbook and be sure all the matching and things goes onto index cards and finally review all the things along with taking my notebook and being sure I have the entire thing completed and dated with not only chapter number but also pages in the text book. Then it is time to the interactivities and check myself and review the powerpoint making sure the pictures available have been able to be slid onto blank pages screens on my Mac. Making the click and drag functions workable.
By that time I have to take the weeks exam and quiz and review what I had wrong. Then the next week starts. It has been a trip.
Best of luck everyone. Our paths will cross again in this learning adventure.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Glad to be done with this

If anything gets depressing it is writing to myself. I am so glad for this part to be done I cannot hardly stand to put anything in here. All I have is me talking to me and others have many replies usually including from me.
Yes, I must say I feel bitter about this but that is life.
I have allot of things I say that are encouraging to my classmates however nothing comes back. I guess it is like marriage the woman does all the giving and the male does all the taking.
Glad to be done with this. One more week, yahoo.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Makes no sense to me.

With all the posting I have been doing and replying to everyone else's blogs I have not been having any replies to my blog.
Funny how that goes where I am always helping whenever and wherever I am able to and no body helps back. Must be my nature or something. I must be a bad person.
Oh well doesn't matter cause I am almost finished with this thing.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trying to make it to the finish line.

Hello everyone,
I am attempting to make the final revisions on my project for this class and getting into the anatomy final project. So far I have found more information for each one than I figured I could ever find.
The Kaplan library certainly has allot of information in it and the Academic Search Premier is beginning to be my friend.
I found however that when accessing information from that source that I have to be careful about the dates as some of them have dates from before 1990 so that is a trip to find.
Anyway let us all get there together and submit our best project we have ever written.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday and all is well!

Another hot summer day that will be very hot for Minnesota. However change is on the way so I have to get my class work done today that needs the internet. When storms hit I shut it down.
Just on the same line. My hubby is forever changing the settings on the computer and implementing new stuff on his computer and forever having computer problems. However my two computers work wonderfully. Funny how he is forever trying to fix my old XP when it does not need help. I just want him to stay out of the computer settings and if he messes his up don't come crying to me.
Cannot get that across to him that if he leaves it alone when nothing in wrong it works better. What a computer messer upper he is. Yes that was a newly invented word perhaps be the next Rachael Rae's dictionary entry like EVOO.
Well now I have that off my chest best of luck to everyone that is working on their projects we can do this folks.
See you later.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Here I am again doing my best to pass class.

Hello everyone,
I just was revising my discussion board entry and sincerely hope that everyone else is able to accomplish this feat easier than I do.
I find the prepositions to be very hard to eliminate and use different phrases to complete the project is an issue as well.
So here between this project and the other one for anatomy where my project is slow at getting completed because of the vast amount of data out there on the skin and all its assistant items that is the hair and nails so I best get with it.
Just needed to get the job completed.

Friday, August 27, 2010

If I could just think!

So here I am starting week 8 of this semester and finding that the reading and revision of the papers. My brain is not up to thinking that hard.
Wondering if I need to get away from it for a bit because constantly being in here my little computer room and only coming out to see what I can eat or drink.
What a trip. At least I will feel freedom when this semester is over. I truly need to get with it.
So last night during my research found some interesting stuff that will go into my anatomy project. I am doing the Integumentary system and more closely the skin where new technology and discoveries are helping severely deformed skin disorders to be mended using a combination of skin grafts and bone marrow transplants. I found it to be amazing and Dr. Zeba said last night I can use that information. Wonderful way to end the day!
Now today I thought of another set of girls in England that have another skin condition I plan on writing on. Their skin grows too fast and for this reason they have to constantly take additional care and remove the old skin and let the new skin grow.
Neither of the above cases are having a cure yet but there is at least hope for them. I just have so much compassion for them I can actually feel their pain and suffering. The skin disorders are totally known to be genetic even though the parents do not have the same conditions. The parents are merely carriers of the defective genes.
Well at least I have a start and plan on working on this throughout the weekend. My hubby is so patient with me having to be back here I cannot believe it cause I did not think he would be.
He at his computer just looking things up and caring for himself and me at mine doing whatever necessary to get the best grades possible for my old brain and body.
That will be my quest so stay tuned to continuing drama of how the stomach turns. LOL.
See everyone in the threads.